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11 Octobre 2022

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Prénom : LeiTien
Sexe : Non renseigné
Situation : Non renseigné
Date de naissance : Non renseigné
Localisation : Non renseigné

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Son petit mot

Wen Renping agreed with Lei Qiu's words very much. Your Lei family, of course, is not afraid of our'time-honored brands. 'That's why, over the years, they have been threatening outside:' That group of old poisons, no matter how poisonous they are, are no match for Lei Jiapu. Thunderbolt Hall blew them up with only one thunder bomb! ' He also gathered forces hostile to our Wen family in Jianghu and sent a message: 'The new forces must be in charge of Wulin. No matter what time-honored brands or gold-lettered signboards, we are the masters of the new generation of Jianghu!' Unashamedly! Originally, "Tangmen in Sichuan", "Fang's gold-lettered signboard" and "Wen's time-honored brand" were collectively known as the "Three Tianzhu in Wulin Family", but now you "Leijiapu in Jiangnan Thunderbolt Hall" have come to participate in a foot, forcibly occupied a seat, and become the "Four Heavenly Kings in Jianghu Family", not to bombard our "time-honored brand". Is to seize the status of our Wen family in Jianghu-you are not afraid to come out, Sima Zhao's heart, everyone knows! Lei Qiu blushed and did not give in at all: "Which point of our Lei family is not as good as yours? Why can you, surnamed Wen, squeeze into the'Three Heavenly Pillars', but we, surnamed Lei, can't climb up the'Four Heavenly Kings'?!"! Your poison is fierce enough, how can our firearms fall behind you?! You have produced some people with a wide range of branches, but in recent years you have been killed and wounded, and your vitality has been greatly damaged; We work hard, and the elite come forth in large numbers. Recently,metal trim manufacturers, we have made great achievements in Jianghu. We have set up another mountain, and we have already come from behind to surpass you. However, you are still a vegetarian, a dog in the manger, always making friends with the upper class celebrities, only clinging to the dignitaries, either attending the sacrificial ceremony or presiding over the red tape, hypocritically donating huge sums of money to gain fame, pretending to relieve rice. To win the hearts of the people is to exclude the new generation of Wulin people with real strength. Others let you, afraid of you,stainless steel tile edging, we surnamed Lei, have bones, backbone, but do not want to say goodbye to you, would rather be a roadblock than a shrinking turtle! Wen Renping was still waiting to argue, but Wen Ziping said flatly, "What you said is also reasonable. There are some things that our Wen family has gone too far.". However, if you have the ability to jump up, then just come up, but plot behind the back, ambush on the road, stone in the well, arrow in the pit-that is not what ambitious people do! Lei Qiu said contemptuously, "There is no need to perform the courtesy of a gentleman to deal with such villains as'time-honored brands. '" Wen Renping's halberd shouted angrily, "You ungrateful son of a bitch, don't be red in color. I want you to know today that the'time-honored brand 'is not a brand name!" As he spoke, Zhu Yueming hurriedly stopped him and said, aluminum tile trim ,tile profile factory, "Don't get angry. Don't get angry. It's easy to say something." The great swordsman also dissuaded him, saying, "If you have something to say, say it slowly. Don't do it, don't do it!" Zhu Yueming is the chief criminal in Beijing, and the law enforcement is well-founded. It is not worthwhile to fight in front of him. What's more, Fang Juxia kept his word. Wen Renping and Lei Qiu both knew that the fight was not easy to fight. When Gao Xiaoshang refused to persuade him, he rolled his eyes and changed the "tit for tat." He went to ask Lei Qiu, the "arson king," who was still angry with himself: "Then why on earth are you sighing?" Lei glanced at Master Fang and said, "I'm sighing for Master Fang, and I'm also sighing for Master Fang." Gao Xiaoshang asked, "What's so lamentable about the giant swordsman?" Lei Qiu hesitated to speak. Fang Juxia laughed and said, "It doesn't matter if you say anything." Lei Qiu finally said proudly, "If you want me to tell the truth, I will tell the truth.". To be honest, I'm disappointed. I have seen this day, and my idol has been shattered. Gao Xiaoshang, look at Fang Juxia. Fang Juxia nodded. "Disappointed?" Asked Gao Xiaoshang. Lei Qiu laughed and said, "The world-famous Fang Juxia is just a coward who is afraid of death." The Wen brothers looked at each other: In fact, Fang Juxia had just indirectly and directly expressed his insistence and ideas, but to the ears of people like Lei Qiu, the word "timid" still had to be used, and there was really nothing to say. But Fang Juxia didn't mind. OK! What a'timid 'word! Among real men with lofty ideals, my attitude is indeed timid-the problem is.. He smiled and said nothing. Gao Xiaoshang, however, went on for him: "The problem is that Mr. Lei seems to be fighting only for the sake of a faction and personal interests, and he is not a person with lofty ideals.". ” Lei Qiu was stunned and argued, "If the'Jiangnan Thunderbolt Hall Leijiapu 'can be in power one day, we will certainly-" Gao Xiaoshang said gently, "There is no one in the world who has not gained power who does not hope so." "If I become popular in the capital, I will certainly-" Lei Qiu said, still unwilling to give up. Gao Xiaoshang said rudely this time, "Please talk about it after you gain the upper hand." Lei Qiu glared at him. Gao Xiaoshang smiled. His eyebrows are very thick. It's so thick that it's a little eye-pressing. So it looks a little melancholy. His smile was a little sarcastic, a little thievish, cynical, but not disrespectful. He turned a blind eye to Lei Qiu's anger and looked calm, neither humble nor arrogant. Lei Qiu stared at him, and his whole body seemed to be burning. Strange to say, he just stood there. Didn't do it. There's no movement. Of course, there was no fire around him or in his hands. The sun is not particularly fierce. But you think he's fire. A raging fire. You can even smell the burning, hear the crackling of the fire, and even feel the heat of the fire. Close at hand. But Gao Xiaoshang remained unmoved. "What's your name?" Asked Ray. "My surname is Gao," said Gao Xiaoshang. Lei Qiu asks again: "Name?" Gao Xiaoshang answered, "Xiaoshang." Lei Qiu seems to have never heard of it: "Xiao Shang?" "Small in size, small in height," said Gao Xiaoshang. Lei Qiu stared at him. "Your name is very common." "My people are very ordinary, too," said Gao Xiaoshang. "No," Lei Qiu seemed to stare at him. "Your people are not ordinary." Then Gao Xiaoshang said, "You're right.". To the giant swordsman, I am only qualified to sigh, not to judge-at least, I have not done what he has done! Although I am reckless, but after all, I am not quietly tightening my belly,tile trim factory, but laughing at the guy who has a slightly bulging belly! As soon as he said this, everyone felt the flame go out. This man, there is no fire. 9. Fart! Fart! 。 jecatrims.com  

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